Art Education

The history and evolution of abstract wall art, including notable artists and movements.

The history of Abstract wall art has a rich and varied history

With roots dating back to the early 20th century. The earliest examples of abstract wall art can be traced to the work of artists such as Wassily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich, who were part of the first wave of abstractionists in the early 1900s. These artists sought to break away from traditional representational art and instead create works that were expressive, emotional, and free from the constraints of reality.

One of the most notable movements in the history of abstract wall art is the development of non-objective painting. This style, which emerged in the 1910s and 1920s, focused on the use of color, line, and form to create works that were completely non-representational. Artists such as Kazimir Malevich, Frantisek Kupka, and Theo van Doesburg were among the pioneers of this movement, which was central to the development of abstract art.

In the 1930s and 1940s

The rise of Surrealism and the influence of primitive art and folk art brought a new focus on the subconscious and the primitive in abstract wall art. Artists such as Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, and Joan Miro were among the most notable practitioners of this style, which sought to tap into the subconscious and express the inner workings of the mind through abstract forms.

In the 1950s and 1960s

We saw the emergence of a new generation of abstractionists, including Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, and Barnett Newman, who were known for their large, color field paintings. These artists sought to create works that were more expressive and emotional, often using large blocks of color to create a sense of depth and movement.

Modern day

Today, abstract wall art continues to evolve, with new artists and movements emerging all the time. From digital art to street art, the possibilities for abstract wall art are truly endless.

Why not check out abstract wall art page where you will find loads of styles for your home or office.

In conclusion, the history of abstract wall art is a story of constant evolution, experimentation, and pushing boundaries. From the early days of non-objective painting to the large, expressive canvases of the color field painters, abstract wall art has always been about breaking free from the constraints of reality and expressing something new and different.

January 20, 2023
Art Education

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