K7 Photography: Vibrant Abstract Art Combining Industry & Landscapes

Artwork that stops you in your tracks: experience the vibrant, colourful world of K7 Photography
If you a looking for artwork that pops with vibrancy, sharpness and dramatic effect, then look no further than K7 Photography's unique take on industry and landscapes.
We had a chance to talk to K7 Photography about his work which he describes as something “that portrays the subject in my own stylised way. Something that is really dramatic and will really stand out on someone's wall - A signature almost.”
K7 Photography has created a collection of 10 pieces called "Landscapes that inspire me to create something a little different", you can discover them here.
You have a very distinct signature art style. How would you describe it, and how long did it take for you to develop it?
If I had to describe my style in one word it would be vibrant. I have always loved really saturated images, and find the contrasts of strong and bold colours and contrasts very attractive. Very often, unfortunately, the human eye, or the real world, does not comply with these preferences.

Digital photography has enabled photographers to process their photographs in any way they choose, and has enabled me to develop my colourful, saturated and colour popping style over the years. I try to produce distinctive images of landscapes and subjects. Something that’s sometimes very different from other photographers' interpretations of the same subject, hopefully.

How do you decide what subjects you wish to photograph, and how close are the final pieces to what you envisioned them to be?
I tend to photograph what interests me. Landscape combined with industry and the urban environment really motivate me, although I would like to think that I have a wide range of subjects in my portfolio. I do have a mental image of the finished product in my mind as I’m shooting the image with the camera. I think this helps me get a RAW image that is technically, as well as artistically, suitable for getting somewhere close to my mind's eye version of the finished product.

I also try to include other elements such as long exposure combined with flowing water or moving vehicles, subjects which provide dramatic results visually, in the form of misty water and colourful light trails. If this can be combined with an unusual angle or focal length, and the blue or golden hour, all the better.

You have an amazing shot of Niagra Falls in your collection. “The Horseshoe Falls at Niagara” - Tell us a bit about the story behind this photo.
This image was taken during a work trip to Buffalo in The US. I was there for a week and, obviously, Niagara Falls was at the top of the list of “essential” locations to capture. This particular image was taken on the last evening. The amount of water going over the falls is just incredible. The thunderous noise and the feeling of awesome power are something that you can only experience and appreciate on a personal level.

Standing on the edge you feel the mighty roar, you sense the power as the potential energy is released when millions of gallons of water per second plunge over the edge. I was also acutely aware that such monumental power could snuff me out in an instant if things went wrong!

Another problem was the huge amounts of mist and moisture that Niagara generates. Within seconds, the camera lens was misted over, and within minutes I was drenched, along with the camera. I took many images, most of them were long exposures, as I knew this was the way to try and impart some of the sense of awe.
What can we expect from you as your opportunities for travel begin to re-open?
Wow, It will just be so nice to get out and about with the camera again! I would like to visit Ireland, both North and South for some coastal photography, especially around Giant's Causeway in the North and the Dingle Peninsula in the South. Iceland would be very nice!
Cornwall is more realistic though, and I have some other UK coastal locations in mind. I've also been looking at some potential urban stuff, old cooling towers, and maybe a bit of light painting in abandoned railway tunnels and underground river culverts. There are some amazing places that are just below your feet, every time you visit a city centre. Let's hope things go according to plan and we all get our freedoms back very soon.

Thanks to K7 Photography for sharing an insight into his stunning artwork.
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